About This Gift
You can give a gift of your vacation home, commercial property, or undeveloped land to National Center on Sexual Exploitation. These properties can be donated towards our cause as an outright gift or can be used to fund a gift that pays you a lifetime of income.
How It Works
1. You will need to obtain a philanthropy title report and an independent review.
2. We will arrange for property inspection and an environmental checklist.
3. The IRS requires an independent appraisal to establish the fair market value of the property. We can assist you in following the IRS procedures.
· You may apply the deduction for up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income, and carry it forward for up to five additional years.
· You are freed from paying real estate taxes, maintenance costs, insurance, and capital gains taxes on the property’s appreciation.
· You also remove the asset from your taxable estate.
To review your gift possibility and evaluate the condition and marketability of the property call 480-340-8691 or email public@ncose.com.